Arbeitsgruppe für psychiatrische,
psychotherapeutische und psychologische
Aspekte der Kinderdiabetologie e.V.

Deutsche Gesellschaft für pädiatrische und adoleszente Endokrinologie und Diabetologie (DGPAED)



Béla Bartus/Dörte Hilgard/Michael Meusers:

Diabetes und psychische Auffälligkeiten.

Diagnose und Behandlung von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen


2. Auflage in Vorbereitung



Veröffentlichung in "pediatric diabetes" zu ADHS und Diabetes:

Doerte Hilgard, Katja Konrad, Michael Meusers, Bela Bartus, Klaus-Peter Otto for the German/Austrian DPV Study Group, the Working Group on Psychiatric, Psychotherapeutic
Psychological Aspects of Paediatric Diabetology (PPAG e.V.) and the BMBF Competence Network Diabetes, Germany: Comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and
type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents: Analysis based on the multicentre DPV registry. DOI 10.1111/pedi.12431.


Veröffentlichungen im Kontext der PPAG 2014-2021:

 (Stand 3.2021, noch unvollständig)

  • Galler A, Tittel SR, Baumeister H, Reinauer C, Brosig B, Becker M, Haberland H, Hilgard D, Jivan M, Mirza J, Schwab J, Holl RW. Worse glycaemic control, higher rates of diabetic ketoacidosis, and more hospitalisations in children, adolescents, and young adults with type 1 diabetes and anxiety disorders. Pediatr Diabetes. First published: January 2021.
  • Tittel SR, Dunstheimer D, Hilgard D, Knauth B, Fröhlich-Reiterer E, Galler A, Wurm M, Holl RW; DPV Initiative. Coeliac disease is associated with depression in children and young adults with type 1 diabetes: results from a multicentre diabetes registry. Acta Diabetol. First published: January 2021. doi: 10.1007/s00592-020-01649-8
  • Galler A, Hilgard D, Bollow E, Hermann T, Kretschmer N, Maier B, Mönkemöller K, Schiel R, Holl RW. Psychological care in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in a real-world setting and associations with metabolic control. Pediatr Diabetes. 2020;21(6):1050-1058
  • Lemay JF, Lanzinger S, Pacaud D, Plener PL, Fürst-Burger A, Biester T, Hilgard D, Lilienthal E, Galler A, Berger G, Holl RW; German/Austrian DPV Initiative. Metabolic control of type 1 diabetes in youth with autism spectrum disorder: A multicenter Diabetes-Patienten-Verlaufsdokumentation analysis based on 61 749 patients up to 20 years of age. Pediatr Diabetes. 2018;19(5):930-936
  • Galler A, Bollow E, Meusers M, Bartus B, Näke A, Haberland H, Schober E, Holl RW; German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Competence Network Diabetes Mellitus. Comparison of glycemic and metabolic control in youth with type 1 diabetes with and without antipsychotic medication: analysis from the nationwide German/Austrian Diabetes Survey (DPV). Diabetes Care. 2015;38(6):1051-1057
  • Hilgard D, Konrad K, Meusers M, Bartus B, Otto KP, Lepler R, Schober E, Bollow E, Holl RW; German/Austrian DPV Study Group, the Working Group on Psychiatric, Psychotherapeutic Psychological Aspects of Paediatric Diabetology (PPAG e.V.) and the BMBF Competence Network Diabetes, Germany. Comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents: Analysis based on the multicentre DPV registry. Pediatr Diabetes. 2017;18(8):706-713
  • Plener PL, Molz E, Berger G, Schober E, Mönkemöller K, Denzer C, Goldbeck L, Holl RW. Depression, metabolic control, and antidepressant medication in young patients with type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2015;16(1):58-66.
  • Scheuing N, Bartus B, Berger G, Haberland H, Icks A, Knauth B, Nellen-Hellmuth N(7), Rosenbauer J, Teufel M, Holl RW; DPV Initiative; German BMBF Competence Network Diabetes Mellitus. Clinical characteristics and outcome of 467 patients with a clinically recognized eating disorder identified among 52,215 patients with type 1 diabetes: a multicenter german/austrian study. Diabetes Care. 2014;37(6):1581-1589.


  • B.Bartus, D.Hilgard, M. Meusers: Diabetes und psychische Auffälligkeiten. Diagnose und Behandlung von Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen. 2016, Kohlhammer-Verlag
  • Posterpräsentation auf der DDG-Tagung in Berlin von M.Jivan, Berchtesgaden:
